The special interest Groups (SIG) are exhibitions of models about a given theme displayed outside the regular competition. Participating in a SIG is an excellent way of taking part in C4-open without any pressure to compete. Everyone is welcome!

This year Sweden became the latest member of NATO.
To commemorate this and the alliances 75 year celebration, C4-open will have a SIG focused on NATO:s history and inventory.
So bring your NATO vehicles, aircraft, ships and figures to illustrate NATO:s 75 year history and its 32 member states.
Contact Jacob to be a part of this SIG.
SIG – D-Day 80 years

Time to make a inventory of YOUR D-Day models!
This year we celebrate the D-Day landings.
This SIG is an unique opportunity which most likely NOT WILL be repeated!
Let us get together in arranging a SIG spanning over the the D-Day landings in 1944. It will not just be airplanes, but armoured cars, tanks, ships, jeeps, figures ordinary cars, and so on.
We (Erik Hult and Tor Netterby) will host this SIG at C4-Open this year.
Send us information concerning your models by e-mail. We will make small signs with short information about your models to be placed by their side.
Contact Tor or Erik H to be a part of this SIG.
SIG – F-16

Contact Christofer to be a part of this SIG.
Once again, welcome to this year´s SIG:s!