C4-Open is an event with exhibition and sales. As of 2024 the event is held at Baltiska hallen in Malmö Sweden. Parking (P-hus and P-plats) can be found at P-Malmö facilities in the immediate area (see map below).
C4-Open is always held the last weekend of October.
Principal times (hrs) below for both days:
Saturday – Displays and competition
- The venue is open for visitors 11:00 – 16:00
- Check-in of entries 09.00-11.00
- Rigging of SIG’s and club displays and check-in for vendors 09.00-10.00
Sunday – Displays, Competition, Award Ceremony
- The venue is open for visitors 10.00-16.00
- Judging 09.00-12.00 (the competition area will be closed during this period)
- Award Ceremony 15.00
- Check-out and closing of C4-Open 16.00-18.00
Pleace note that the venue closes at 16.00 on Saturday. All visitors, crew and vendors must then leave the venue immediately. The only people to remain are the active and working judges. On Sunday the venue will open at 10.00. The only people with access to the venue before that are active and working judges. This is important for two reasons:
1. The judges must be allowed to do their work without beeing disturbed.
2. To allow the vendors to be on site before anyone have access to their stands.